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Narcissistic Relationships – Stay or Go?

Rarely Taught
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 Your Situation?

Are you in the crux of a Narcissistic relationship right now?  Your energy is zapped and caoss ensues.  You used to have space in your mind to think about your own goals and aspirations, but now all of your thoughts are taken up by this self-involved person. 

Sound familiar? Possibly you are having thoughts on how to help him or her fix their problems, and how your relationship may be done for good if this person chooses to keep doing what he or she does. You know they’ll never change for you deep down inside, but you are hooked in this caoss cycle. You keep trying to find the light in your relationship, though you are in quick sand knowing it is a battle that only wears you out even more. The uproar and selfishness of this person you are envolved with is a daily experience for you.

Yet, what can you do?

We have a solution. Here is a micro-course that is sure to help you stop the energy being drained from you, and cut ties with this narcissist. Education is power, and we hope to give you your power back by helping you be informed enough that you can finally turn the tap off and walk away!  We know it takes courage to even be here right now, and we hope this becomes a positive and life changing course for you.

Take a step towards self dependence now!

This micro-course will help you to take off the mental chains of this unhealthy relationship. You will have the mental courage back to choose to stay, or go in the end. We know you will be back in the driver’s seat; in control of your life again!

A few questions for you:

Do you have a partner who is dismissive of your needs and issues, along with your children’s (if you have any)? Truly, it is not healthy to be in a relationship with someone who is not emotionally available to your concerns, be it your health or your children’s.  You should never feel guilty or undermined for your concerns… Truthfully, so many of these narcissistic personalities don’t take to heart a partner’s valid concerns. There is no consideration, they are cavalier. 

Below is a quick definition of what this word cavalier means: Cavalier: “Marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful dismissal of important matters.”  (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, web version, December 20, 2021, link) And so I will ask, and only you will know. Can you at times refer to your partner’s actions towards you as: arrogant, assumptive, chesty, haughty, high-and-mighty, high-handed, pretentious or dismissive or presumptuous?

If so, then this course will be of great help with what can be termed a Cavalier-type of Man. This course is designed to guide you on a focused path to healing from caotic, narcissistic relationships. We want you to understand more about the person who is mirroring your personal insecurities to control you. We want you to take control back of your life and thoughts. Let’s find your truth, and give you the strength to stand up for your inner most convictions again! Join Crystal, the Host of Rarely Taught as she takes you through this mini-course.

What’s in this Course?

This micro-course will show you how to:

Decide whether you are with a Narcasist. We look at 3 case studies. 

**Notably, this course shows 6 lessons, yet technically we only have 4, as we don’t count our Quotes or Questionaire as a lesson, but the framework for uploading our course on Rarely Taught does. That being said, we know our short micro course will help you gain clarity and control back right now.  It is short and to the point. 

Lesson 1

WHAT IS A Narcissistic-TYPE OF PERSON? Three Short Story (Case studies) Examples each with potential Solutions Story 1: Emmy C., A Supposed Worrier Concerned Over Money and Spending Story 2: The Emotionally Invalidated Woman: She cares too much! Story 3: Tough Loved Woman with a Controller Husband

Understand the Opposite of a Narcasist, thereby avoiding the same kind of relationship issues in the future, or working to reduce your parters narcissistic personality tendencies. 

Lesson 2

What’s the opposite of a narcissistic personality type? What is an Attentive Person? Tips for helping your man or woman be more attentive to your needs.

Let’s look at how narcissistic he or she really is.


QUESTIONAIRE How narcissistic is he or she? Narcissistic personality Questionnaire Rating system explained

What you need to know when choosing to stay or leave a narcissist!

Lesson 3

NEGATIVE AFFECTS OF NARSISSISM The negative affects of a narcissistic personality on you… Undermining issues Guilt issues Emotional Support

Where to go from here?

Lesson 4

SOLUTIONS TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP WOES You may have these two questions. Activities you can do to reduce your partner’s narsisisstic tendencies, and self work you can do too.

Change yourself to be more resilient & you will then change your relationship expectations.    


Please note, I am not a Psychologist. I have researched, and prepared these materials contained within this course in the hopes that they will help and support other woman and men in becoming healthier versions of themselves when they are faced with a domineering narcsistic person in their lives. I strongly recommend relationship counseling as a great way to address this kind of behavior by your partner too, as it may be a very helpful step in correcting high-handedness, and may even save your relationship. Educationally, I do hold a University Degree and can say I am well educated; yet again, I am not a relationship psychologist.  With that out of the way, I hope you find this course, enjoyable, & useful.  In one sense, I hope the information within this book gives you comfort in knowing that you are not the only person experiencing this kind of relationship issue. I also am filling this course with solutions that you can easily apply which will help your relationship become healthier and functional compared to where it may be currently at… Or, if you choose, you can walk away knowing you’d given everything and are okay leaving it now.

Will I be able to decide if I should stay or leave my narcissistic relationship with this course?
Yes, and no. That entirely depends on you and how far along and involved you are in your current relationship. Relationships are very complex and not one glove fits all. What we can promise is if you follow our solutions in Lesson 4, you will gain more self awareness and also a clearer understanding of what you are involved in. You will be able to disassociate from your current chaotic relationship to see more from a bird's eye view what is going on. Sometime that is what we need, is the tools to get space from a situation.
Do you recommend counselling to help with my narcissistic relationship issues?
Yes. 100% I do. I think talking to a professional will give you an even greater understanding and even more control back into your life right now. Being in a relationship with someone who is narcissistic and cavalier with your emotions treads the line of abuse. You deserve to be in a healthy and functional relationship.
Will you be doing other relationship issue(s) courses in the future?
Yes, we sure will. We love researching and finding the best information for people to help them further their understanding on a given topic.
Course details
Lectures 6
Level Beginner
